Philip Schuyler to John Hancock, referred to Wythe & Committee, 21 March 1776
Philip Schuyler thanks Congress for responding to the letter from March 7 and for discharging him from his duty since his health is hindering his ability to lead. He also tells Congress that five of Colonel Burrel's companies are arriving soon as is one of Colonel St. Clair's.
Letter text
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Albany March 21st 1776.
Yesterday I was honored with your very polite Favor of the 7th Inst. It is in vain for me to attempt a Description of the Sentiments it has inspired me with. Let it suffice that I will attempt in the Discharge of my Duty to Congress and my dear Country to render a Series of Thanks.
Five Companies of Col. Burrel’s are arrived; the remaining three are daily expected. One of Colonel StClair’s is also come up. I hope the whole will soon be here.
I am exceedingly happy to learn that the Gentlemen Commissioners will be here so soon: they will experience all that Attention which is due to their Merit, and to the respectable Body, by whom they are sent.
Col. Allen is not yet arrived, he will meet with a Reception consonant to that Esteem and Respect, which I have the Honor to entertain for you. I am Sir most
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most sincerely & respectfully
Your obed. Humble Servant
Ph. Schuyler
The Honorable John Hancock Esq. &c. &c.
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Letter from Gen. Schuyler
21 March 1776Read 29. March.
Referred to Mr. Wythe
Mr. Harrison
Mr. J. Adams